Melilea Botanical Skin Care Series (New Packing ; 新包装, English Version ; 英文版本)
Melilea Botanical Skin Care Series is the result of advanced technology developed by the Melilea Research Institute. Each of the seven products in this range has been uniquely formulated to ensure maximum efficacy.
The ingredients are derived from natural plant-based extracts that work from within to nurture your skin so you can be naturally alluring. This comprehensive range of skin care products has been specially created to restore your youthful complexion and natural radiance. It is “simple, and naturally effective”.
It provides your skin with moisture, oxygen and nutrients needed by a healthy skin. The whole range of product has undergone thorough testing for purity, safety, hypo-allergens and overall efficacy. Regular use promotes visible results in soft, supple and mositurised skin that glows with healthy radience that you have always desired.
| 1. CLEANSE Melilea Herbal Cleanser
(Reg. No.: MAL04124196K)
An oil-free foaming cleanser containing pure aloe vera, gingko biloba, rosemary, vitamin E and other natural herbal extracts. Gently yet thoroughly cleanses oily and acne prone skin.
Directions for Use
Apply a small amount of cleanser with a clean sponge, or with your hands. After applying the cleanser, add some warm water and gently massage the face and neck. Rinse off the cleanser with warm water. |
Melilea Soothing Milk Cleanser
(Reg. No.: MAL04124199K)
An aloe-based, water soluble cleanser containing sesame oil, green tea, vitamins C and E, and other natural herbal extract. Ideal for dry and sensitive skin type. Directions for Use
Apply the cleanser to the face and neck with the hands. Add warm water and gently massage the face and neck with the fingertips. Rinse off the cleanser with warm water. Pat the skin dry. |
| 2. EXFOLIATE Melilea Gentle Exfoliant
(Reg. No.: MAL04124203K)
An oil-free formula containing the finest apricot seed powder to gently remove dead surface skin cells and impurities while refining skin texture. The fine, rounded particles will not damage skin cells.
Directions for Use
Gently mix a small amount on face and throat using water with fingertips. Softly massage about 1-2 minutes. In case your face feels dry, add some water and keep massaging. Then rinse off with water or wet cloth. |
| 3. TONE Melilea pH Balance Toner
(Reg. No.: MAL04124201K)
An alcohol-free toner containing witch hazel and extracts of peach and chamomile.
Directions for Use
Use after cleansing. Using cotton balls or other soft material, apply a liberal amount of toner over the face and neck. You may carry some pH Balance Toner in a small spray bottle or atomizer and spray on your face during the day for a fresher, dewier complexion. |
| 4. REVITALIZE Melilea Revitalizing Cream
(Reg. No.: MAL04124204K)
A rich moisturizing cream that counteracts the visible signs of skin fatigue, increase moisture retention and improves suppleness and texture. Specially formulated with natural ingredients such as extracts of angelica, chamomile, ginkgo biloba and witch hazel to enhance cell renewal.
Directions for Use
Apply a small amount on face and neck area. It is easily absorbed deep into the skin. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Apply twice everyday, morning and night. |
| 5. ENHANCE Melilea Oxy Intensive Cream
(Reg. No.: MAL04124205K)
Contains active ingredients that have been extracted from botanical sources. Active ingredients include antioxidants such as vitamin A, C, beta carotene and beta glucan that counteract the effects of environment damage.
Directions for Use
After cleansing, apply a thin layer of the cream to the face and neck. Allow 2 to 3 minutes for it to penetrate. If there is a little cream left on the face, it means that you have to used too much. The little amount that remains can be gently massaged into the skin. After it has penetrated, you can apply Intensive Nourisher. Avoid direct contact with the eyes. |
| 6. PROTECT Melilea Intensive Nourisher
(Reg. No.: MAL04120407K)
Specially formulated from finest natural ingredients including pure beeswax, olive oil, and pearl powder, which are all traditional skin nourishers. With SPF 15 sun protection to shield from the sun’s damaging UV rays.
Direction for Use
Use only during day time (morning) – after applying Revitalizing Cream & Oxy Intensive Cream. Transfer a small amount to your hand, rub and apply on face and throat area with fingertips and rub evenly over the face. Continuous use will make the skin soft, supple and give your skin a youthful radiance. |
美丽乐草本护肤 (Old Packing ; 旧包装 , Chinese Version ; 华文版本) |
| 美麗樂草本護膚系列產品是經過高科技生產的一系列護膚產品,萃取自天然草本植物的滋養精華,可持續提供肌膚水份、氧氣及養份,並通過多項研究測試,證實為 天然純淨安全、抗敏感以及效果顯著的護膚產品,幫助您的肌膚得到充分的滋潤及滋養,每天持續使用,讓您擁有色澤剔透、滋潤柔滑、健康亮麗的完美肌膚。 |
| 美麗樂草本潔面霜MELILEA Herbal Cleanser
請將臉部、手部沾濕後,取適量的美麗樂草本潔面霜於指腹或潔面布上,將潔面霜均勻塗抹在臉部及頸部,輕柔按摩並徹底地清潔後,以清水洗淨並擦乾。 |
| 美麗樂活化潔面乳MELILEA Soothing Milk Cleanser
請將臉部、手部沾濕後,取適量的美麗樂活化潔面乳於指腹或潔面布上,將潔面乳均勻塗抹在臉部及頸部,輕柔按摩並徹底地清潔後,以清水洗淨並擦乾。 |
| 美麗樂溫性磨砂霜MELILEA Gentle Exfoliant
請將臉部和頸部沾濕後,取適量的美麗樂溫性磨砂霜及活化潔面乳/草本潔面霜於指腹上,混合均勻後以指腹輕柔地按摩1-2分鐘,若水份不足而稍嫌乾燥、難以推勻時,可沾少許水後再繼續按摩,最後以清水洗淨並擦乾。 |
| 美麗樂爽膚水MELILEA pH Balance Toner
將爽膚水倒在化妝棉上,然後輕輕擦拭臉部,或將爽膚水倒在掌心,然後輕拍臉部,讓肌膚更快吸收。平日可將爽膚水貯存於小型噴霧器內,使用時將爽膚水噴於臉部,讓臉部倍感清新舒爽。 |
| 美麗樂活化滋潤霜MELILEA Revitalizing Cream添加歐白芷、黃春菊、銀杏、金縷梅等天然萃取的草本精華,可提高肌膚保溼能力、活化滋潤肌膚、減緩肌膚老化及暗沉現象,使肌膚健康展現年輕的活力。使用方式:
於潔膚、爽膚水後,取適量的美麗樂活化滋潤霜塗抹在臉部和頸部肌膚並輕柔按摩,讓肌膚徹底吸收。請每天早晚使用,以達到理想的美膚效果。 |
| 美麗樂精華潤膚霜MELILEA Intensive Nourisher
每日早上於潔膚、保養後,取適量的美麗樂精華潤膚霜於手背上,並以指腹溫度稍做推勻後,再塗抹薄薄一層於臉部及頸部上,約2-3分鐘讓肌膚完全吸收後再輕輕按摩。 |
Relian Mascara
Relian Mascara
现在可以梦想成真了!!! 也不再需要买假睫毛了!!!
Do you dream of having eye lashes that are naturally looking and long? No more ARTIFICIAL eyelash??!! Now, your dream can come true with - RELIAN MASCARA
同时蹄造你意想不到的卷翘孤度, 难以置信的惊
喜妆效, 会令你禁不住惊叹它的神奇!
The perfect combination of transplanting gel and natural fiber can instantly lengthen your eyelash by 300%. At the same time, it is able to give you that special natural look that shows your eyelash having beautiful natural curves. It presents to you an unbelievable make-up effects that will keep your impressed for a long time to come.
极至纤长嫁接液: 无比贴合,柔顺舒适的质地,可轻易
Transplanting Gel – A perfect fit, smooth, comfortable and of best quality. The combination that creates the perfect eyelash. The formula encompasses the magical gel property that enables you to have perfect make-up for the whole day.Net weight : 10ml
纤长天然纤维: 100%天然,宛如自然生长的睫毛,
Natural Fiber – 100% natural, like the natural eyelash. It is organic with no stimulating side effects on application.Net Weight : 0.8g
Method to remove the make-up : Apply some warm water on the eye-lash and wait for a few minutes for the water to infiltrate the eyelash. When the gel has softened, the eyelash can be taken off. No make-up removal product is required and no traces of removal can be seen around the vicinity of the eyes. There will also be no impact on the natural eyelash. A perfect product indeed.
Special Attention : The products (transplanting gel & natural Fiber)are only to be used by itself for best effects. It is not to be used together with any other products.
Wait no more and ACT now if you want to look absolutely gorgeous and stand out from the crowd.
RM35/per box